A squeaky voice, a stupid face, a true pain in the butt,
An ego driven teen idol with a lesbian’s haircut.
Of course it’s Justin Bieber, America’s teen choice.
Snapping hymens worldwide with his shaky breaking voice.
Bieber fever swept the globe, like an evil Disney virus,
Worse than Jonas Brothers HIV, or e coli Miley Cyrus.
We see him at awards shows, false gratitude, faux thanking,
Adolescents shouldn’t be upon on stage, they should be in their bedrooms wanking.
His mother trained him in the womb, to see what he’d be worth,
She signed a major record deal then shat out after birth.
If Bieber wants to be a slave, China has sweatshops,
We can get him there quite swiftly, Before you say Mmmmbop.
To take him down a peg or two, lets Punk him Ashton Kutcher,
He could burst in on the Bieber whilst she’s Scissoring Pat Butcher.
But if he rather be notorious, one ways tried and tested,
He can claim to be the final kid Michael Jackson ever molested.
But teen stars soon go off the rails, and in their tracks their stopped.
Destined to be a has been - before his balls have even dropped.