Are You Gonna Spit or Swallow?

Thursday, 17 February 2011

A Gypsy Royal Wedding

Prince William must be nervous, as the Big Day’s drawing near,
But details of the Royal Wedding still remain unclear.
They’re breaking with tradition, old protocols they’ll smash,
So they’ve called in some recruitment to help them with their bash.
It’s just a little change in style, how will the public judge it?
They’ve got the gypsy brides onboard and gave them a massive budget.
The Queen is not so happy, she’s simply not a fan,
Prince Philip tells her shut her face and clean their caravan.
To afford such luxuries some things must be sold,
The crown jewels in an envelope and off to Cash My Gold.
Kate’s dress will be horrendous, an offense on the eye,
More like Lady Gaga, less like Lady Di.
The bridesmaids are outrageous, their whole style is abysmal
Like Katie Price has just puked up a can of Pepto Bismal.
And those dresses are heavy, up to 15 stone they weigh,
Like piggy backing Vanessa Feltz on your wedding day.
Williams entrance will be grand, a plan that cannot falter,
He’s saddling Camilla and will ride her to the altar.
Prince Charles aint so happy, disapproval he can’t hide,
Will’s never asked permission before he pimped his ride.
Prince Harry as the best man, he’ll make us all smile,
He’ll simply yell ‘heil Hitler’ and goose step down the aisle.
Before they sign the register, they have to make a switch,
Will’s changed his facebook status from ‘engaged’ to’ just now hitched’.
The reception just as you’d expect will be a Royal piss up,
The couples waltz their first dance to the tune of Smack My Bitch Up.
The Queen decked out in fake tan, she thinks the look is mint,
Her picture on the £10 note will get an orange tint.
With a wedding so outrageous the honeymoon wont be so tacky,
A fortnites all inclusive at a bar in Falaraki
But the Royals have one tiny thing that beats the gypsy brides,
Something Gyspies cannot do or possibly provide,
If they miss this wedding detail, the nation goes berserk
For Royals unlike Gypsies, we get the day off work.

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