Are You Gonna Spit or Swallow?

Thursday, 17 February 2011

Michael Jackson

His Life was Bad, and Off The Wall, his death is now a thriller,
A real life Jackon 5 cluedo, but can you guess the killer?

An autopsy conducted, a death warrants been proctored,
at first they blamed the boogie, but now they blame his doctor.

Michael Jackon, king of pop, his family mourned his loss,
then bundled up his orphan kids for Diana Ross.

They found some deadly toxins in his blood and liver glands,
he'd still be here among us if Quincy lived in Neverland.

When he got the lethal jab, did he do his trademark squeal?
did his GP hide the evidence beneath the ferris wheel?

His face was mostly gellatine, rubber, polly filler,
that hit of sedative he took was his biggest hit since Thriller.

He took the drugs to change his moods, so he wasnt such a loner,
he had a willing dealer, a girl called Miss Katona.

For years Jacko'd been feeling down, just sitting around sulkin',
his missed his Nineties past time, grooming Macualay Culkin.

At the crematorium, the Jacksons felt fantastic,
they got an awesome buzz off the smell of burning plastic.

then afterwards at wackos house amidst the things he loved,
they auctioned off the bloody lot, the monkey and the gloves.

His business savvy father, had a nose for detail,
but Jackos nose was Play-Doh, but how much would it retail?

they throw a massive concert, the line up sounding gallant,
they even got that school boy off that show Britain's Got Talent.

Thats how they'd honour Jacko, whose wishes they could guage,
in his coffin lying stiff, whilst a small boy sings on stage.

But before we write his legacy, (and in the bin we toss it),
lets recall Jacko died the same day as Farrah Fawcett,

and from their twin demise, rests the bottom liner;
Fawcett fucked Lee Majors, whilst Jackson fucked the minors.

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